This weekend is what my sister would call a “bleaching weekend”, now I dont mean skin bleaching cause I love my black, but it’s a term she uses for stayin out maaaaad late, getting no sleep but regardless you maintain yourself and get all the partying done and still go to work the next day like nothing happened.
It started out Friday night. J had his regular hosting night @ Czehoski but it was on some after hours this time 1am-4am. So I decided to link up with Telly and her boo for a bit. We helped Derrick get ready for some party he was going to, and us ladies went for a walk outside and a nice little talk about life. I got a hold of my girl Nanna (a.k.a one of my twirk it girls) ( ahead of time so she could meet me there so we could head up to Czehoski after.
Once she arrived we hit the road, not much traffic so we rolled up and enjoyed the breeze. As we were about to pull up hunger hit (of course) so we decided to hit up Hero Burger and see what we could get into.
Nana was on some veggie burger business (I don’t get it) but she inhaled that while I picked away at my onion rings. She so tiny, but does mad damage. It’s a pretty nice spot, crazy toppings, everything fresh, A++ for Hero Burger.
We went back to Czehoski for the night, enjoyed the music, had a few drinks and mingled with the crowd. For some reason i decided to try and mingle with the big boys, it was a bad idea. I could barely keep up and had to have a time out the car...for like 2 hrs...I was done for. Nanna n J both checked on me a few times and before I knew it the sun was coming out and it was time to go home. Its now after 5am when me n J get home. After a few hours of sleep and recovery I had a few errands to run and I also had to start mentally preparing myself to go out again Saturday.
My girl Janine(on the right) was celebrating her graduation (yaaay she officially a teacher. headed to Japan to teach) and it was Brains girl Fallons(on the left) birthday as well. So the plan was to pre-drink at the hotel, hit up This Is London, wind down at the hotel until home time. My rebellious spirit managed to convince the group of us to go to Reign instead of this is London.
After I finished with my beautiful client me n Junes met up with some of his people down at Dundas Square to watch De La Soul perform, it was soo dope, a beautiful day and turned into an even better night once all the fam was together enjoying the show.
Once the smoke settled I came to terms with the fact that the weekend was over and I had to go back to work the next day **uuugh*** it didn’t help that I had no idea what my schedule was for the week. None the less it’s over. But it will be back soon. The weekend was eventful got to spend time with folks and still enjoy myself, lets see what this weekend brings
Real Life Bleacher
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