Monday, March 29, 2010


I know its been a while, I’m not even sure what to tell you I’ve been doing all this time that I been away, but I’m back and that’s the most important part. So this recent move I made from Mississauga to Brampton is starting to catch up to me and take its tole.
I’m so much more reluctant to go see people now, because they live beyond Brampton borders, and the commute to work OMG what a journey. It feels like I’m driving out of the village towards the mainland, and for some reason Brampton, as a community, they enjoy driving 20km below ANY speed!

I’ve had the opportunity over the past few months to experience something a lot of people don’t get to experience. I’ve had the opportunity to NOT fall in love, but to blissfully moonwalk into what has become the most rewarding and most challenging relationship I’ve had…in life, but I love it, every moment of it, even the shitty parts. If you’ve never experienced being proud to be with someone because you know they’re that good for you, you need to give it a try (to suggest that its that it was easy would be horribly wrong of me, but you have to be willing to take risks) anywho, he’s gone off to another country to do what he does best, and that’s create music. It’s going to be a quiet week, but I’m excited for the after math of all this.

So over the weekend I gave my girl Cri a lil makeover and she inspired me to purchase a load of make-up and start playing around with colors. I always play it safe with the same colors n techniques, but I got a few brushes so I’m gonna see what I can get away with. I’m excited. I did my hair, I’m not sure why I’m forcing it, but I just dnt like it anymore. So I’m about to cut my hair….again…and color it…again.
I’ve started a new project n my sister call it the “I don’t wanna be a fat girl anymore” project. It consists of me not eating everything, and actually trying to workout. I’ve started to do Taebo with my cousin Tara (she’s a great motivation). So far I’ve probably lost like 3lbs, but I’m sure I already put them back on the weekend. But I’m gonna work at it and see how far I can get. I don’t wanna log my food or weigh myself everyday, cause that’s obsessive. I want it to become a lifestyle after a while. I plan on working on this project until I’m comfortable with myself, and I can feel enough of a difference. I’m NOT going to follow a number, cause that’s irrational, numbers lie, doctors lie, media lies, the only thing that wont lie to me is my body, so that’s my goal. I’ll keep you guys posted…or not…but I’m sure we’ll be able to tell if a difference actually comes of this. Wish me luck

Real Life Lady


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