Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Are You Following?

So I know I’m kinda of behind but I just decided to give it a try and see what all the hype is about. So I get a Twitter account set up. I had my girl Cri and my sister Yanique help me set it up n get it going. So my sister has added a bunch a people that I don’t know. So everything Kim Kardashian, Chris Brown, Rev Run n Chris Crocker Tweet, my BB is flashing at me. So my list of followers is about 5 deep and I think I’m following 19 people????

Now I’ve thought about it, and to me it seems pretty useless. I mean cant you do the same thing on Facebook that you do on Twitter?? By changing your status and having people comment on your status? I mean I’m just saying. Its already been done. Can we maybe try and come up with more creative ways to interact with people or voice opinions, thoughts, n random ideas? Maybe we can go back to calling each other on the telephone and maybe writing letters, or notes, …yea notes are good ways to express randomness and let total strangers know what your thinking at each waking moment, and what u had for breakfast and that you and Eva Longoria are having brunch, or that your watching the view, or that the sun is shining. There has to be another way other that “tweeting” it…the fact that “Tweet” has transformed into a noun (Tweethearts), verb (Twittering, tweeting, twitted, twat) is beyond me. Breaking news **Chris Brown just got a new tatt** courtesy of Twitter!

P.S. although people are still adding me to Twitter, I’ve actually closed my account maybe a week ago..not my flavor **yukk**

Tweet Life Lady


1 comment:

  1. Great post and blog! Check out Lauren Luke’s tutorial on how you could look like Kim Kardashian ...

